The path to excellence is the path to happiness

In the last 100 years humanity has made enormous scientific and technological progress, which has enabled significant understanding of matter in general and the human body in particular. However, it seems that the fascination with material discoveries has led to a greater focus on materiality, with a certain imbalance in the attitude of a considerable number of human beings, who are very focused on the physical world, on possessing and appearing; giving less importance to universal values, to being, to self-awareness.

There has been a kind of drunkenness around material exploitation, which has created and developed various imbalances: social, environmental, economic, financial, etc. We live in an unbalanced world and we all understand the importance of trying to rebalance it, but very little has actually been done in this direction.

However, in recent decades, several scientists from North American and European universities have begun to investigate less conventional areas, such as telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, near-death experiences and the reporting of supposed past lives. And some of the results of these investigations are very interesting and important enough that science has an obligation to continue research in this area, seeking to contribute to a broader enlightenment of humanity, including, in particular, the spiritual area.

It is reasonable to admit that some of the phenomena traditionally reported – and sometimes called myths, mysteries or miracles – will be proven to be pure fantasy. But it is also reasonable to admit that some of the phenomena reported will be confirmed as true, which is already happening. And in this way, human beings will be able to develop a more complete perspective on reality, with a greater capacity for individual and collective fulfillment; and with a greater awareness of themselves as a particle of the Universal Whole that feels truly connected to the other particles.

It seems then that science can help human beings to live at a higher level of consciousness, developing their capacity to respect and love themselves; but also the other, in all their different forms: the other human being, the other animal, the other vegetable, the other mineral. In other words, to respect everything and everyone; to respect nature; to respect the Universal Whole.

And that’s the path to self-improvement. Knowing how to stop. Getting to know yourself better: Where am I? Where have I come from? Where am I going, as a trend line? And where would it be most useful to go? Try to understand your purpose in life and decide to fulfill it. Decide to remain attentive and available to fulfill it.

Keep 10 or 15 minutes to yourself every day, to ensure that you’re following the path that matters, to correct what is necessary, to discover the pleasure of searching for and finding the best version of yourself. To discover the deep pleasure of self-improvement. To discover the pleasure of tuning in increasingly with universal harmony.

Those who follow the path of self-improvement come to realize that happiness is not in chasing after it or in accumulating material goods; it is in doing beautiful and useful things for oneself and, above all, for others. Happiness lies not so much in reaping, but much more in sowing; not so much in receiving, but much more in giving.

Those who follow the path of true excellence that is self-improvement, feel less and less need to stand out, focus less and less on themselves, on their ego, feel less and less like a particle and increasingly more like an integral part of the Whole. They focus their attention on others, trying to be useful to others, trying to be useful to everything and everyone; trying to be constructively useful to the Whole.

In this journey of true excellence, human beings gradually realize and develop their capacity for achievement, both individually and collectively. Positive thinking and a constructive attitude grow stronger, allowing for the development of a favorable environment and an ever-increasing level of truly useful achievement.

Those who follow the path of excellence that is self-improvement, gradually tune in with the universal harmony which, after all, is always there. We are the ones who often live with our backs turned to it, in other words, in disharmony with others and sometimes with ourselves. But the path of self-improvement is a path of progressive harmonization.

The human being gradually tunes in with universal harmony, universal peace, and universal intelligence. The human being increasingly feels in tune with universal wisdom. And, on an even higher plane, begins to tune with unconditional or universal love. It begins to feel the profound happiness of embracing itself as a particle of universal love. It increasingly becomes Love. It is Love.


Luís Portela
President of BIAL Foundation