Companhia de Música Teatral (CMT) has been exploring connections between art, science, education and community involvement in projects that take a variety of forms: performances, installations, workshops, editions, training actions. Raising awareness towards environmental issues has motivated a series of projects, including the “constellations” Aguário and Deep Listening Deep Sea(ing), in which “water” and “deep sea”, respectively, where central issues for artistic/educative journeys. In the “conference-performance” Bridging waters we will report and discuss experiences held in theaters, schools and science centres, while using live performance elements to create a fluid space of fruition and dialogue. It is part of the program of Conferência do Parque de Serralves – Auditório do Museu e Parque de Serralves – Desafios e oportunidades na Gestão Integrada da Água | Da Fonte ao Mar