About CMT

Music is an infinite universe: it provides enjoyment, expression, communication; it is an art, a tool, a building block of identity, a factor in human development and much more. Companhia de Música Teatral explores these fertile territories of creation and the relationships between forms of expression, musical development and cooperation through music.

About CMT

Artistic-educational Constellations

A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui

With the arrival of Autumn, A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui matured.

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Reflections on CMT’s creative work and educational and social knowledge exchange are shared at an annual International Colloquium (Encontro International) as well as through various training initiatives.

28 July - 2 August 2025

i.Lab – Arts for Childhood – Immersive Training

Training that offers an immersive formative process in the field of art for children, integrating the presentation of a play of theatrical music for families with babies. The preparation of this piece involves experiencing situations of musical practice (voice and movement) and awareness of the importance of playing and careness. Awareness of the need to care for the environment, communicative musicality, music as an instrument for human development and as a mediator in the interaction with babies will be transversal to all action.

28 July - 2 August 2025
i.Lab – Arts for Childhood – Immersive Training
Online Applications
Phone number +351 289 400 820

On the radar

The work of Companhia de Música Teatral celebrates the surprising and important capacities of young children to share artistic activities in a group with their parents. In colourful spectacles of human exuberance they prove that infants need and contribute to companionship, that they have  innate enjoyment of rhythm and sympathy for others’ pleasure. Companhia de Música Teatral have made something wonderful. It is a revelation to developmental psychologists, actors and musicians, which proves that creative artistic activity is a need of human beings, and a force for education.

Colwyn Trevarthen
Professor Emeritus of Child Psychology and Psychobiology, University of Edinburgh, UK

The work of Companhia de Música Teatral is at the level of international excellence and indeed at the forefront of what I consider to be relevant as an artistic experience for young children. I am aware of the influence my own work has had in several of their projects and I am very happy to see that my ideas have inspired the creation of new work and have expanded to full artistic experiences in which music is at the very root.

Colwyn Trevarthen
Professor Emeritus of Child Psychology and Psychobiology, University of Edinburgh, UK

I have known the work of CMT since the early days. This remarkably fluid, innovative group of creators – composers, writers, actors, singers, dancers, musicians and digital multimedia artists – has, already, contributed significantly to the development of performance art. By presenting participatory performance spaces – both real and imaginary – destined primarily for infants and toddlers, but also enjoyed by their accompanying adults, the company has expanded the general concept of theatre, bringing magic, the element of surprise and intense ephemeral beauty – all important factors in the development of the young mind – to the creative experience.

Colwyn Trevarthen
Professor Emeritus of Child Psychology and Psychobiology, University of Edinburgh, UK
Colwyn Trevarthen
Professor Emeritus of Child Psychology and Psychobiology, University of Edinburgh, UK