Sit up straight! Oooo, oh, aah, eee! Run! Make an ugly face! Go forward, go back! Brrr, eh, ba! Ignore instructions. Dindiguidá! Obey: learn to disobey! Diguidarum! Go to the garden, your garden, and look for the carnations. What do the flowers tell you? Listen to them: the red of Peace runs through them. And play, play, until the freedom you were born with in your hands becomes a song. The revolution is at the door: at the doors of innocence! Bebabá Bebé, Bebabá Bebé.

PaPI – Opus 10 celebrates the freedom and vital force that every human being carries within: to disobey when it is necessary to say no, to create when it is time to flourish and bring beauty to Life. PaPI – Opus 10 is part of the artistic-educational constellation A Liberdade a Passar por Aqui and follows the path of the PaPI – Peça a Peça Itinerante (Portable Play to Play) cycle, a collection of music-theater pieces specifically designed to easily travel through kindergartens and cultural institutions committed to decentralizing access to culture.