The installation Cidade Orizuro is one of the new creations planned for 2023 and follows on from the regular work that the CMT has carried out in V. N. Famalicão, and in particular in Parque da Devesa, in conjunction with the Casa do Território.

The passage of the Gamelão de Porcelana e Cristal, the creation of the installation Metamorfose and the workshops Murmúrio das Árvores are some of the examples of artistic projects and environmental awareness that CMT has developed in partnership with Casa do Território. The installation is built from memories (sound and imagery) that will serve as a starting point for reflection and participation: a colorful and happy, green city, where all desires can gain wings.

The installation was developed for the main exhibition space of Casa do Território and it will symbolically be on display between March 21st and October 1st. The opening will be marked by a performance (Saudação da Primavera) and the premiere of the documentary Jardim Orizuro, by Luís Margalhau, about the homonymous project carried out under the Garantir Cultura program and which involved three institutions (a kindergarten of two nursing homes) and culminated in a performance and installation (Ecos) presented at Parque da Devesa.

The installation can be visited freely throughout the 6 months of exhibition and there will also be guided tours promoted by the Casa do Território team, namely for schools that regularly participate in its environmental awareness activities.



Promotor: Câmara Municipal de V.N. Famalicão
Concept and realization: Companhia de Música Teatral
Co-production: Casa do Território
Space Composition: Mafalda Milhões
Design of Sound Artifacts: Miguel Ferraz
Video: Luís Margalhau
Texts: excerpts from “O Céu por Cima de Cá” and “Rotas de Mil Pássaros” by Companhia de Música Teatral
Aknowledgements: to the counteless hand that makes us fly