Com Palavras Amo is one of CMT’s new creations planned for 2023. We want to transform the words written by Eugénio de Andrade into sound, making them inhabit people’s voices.  Eugénio de Andrade spoke about words several times. With love. Perhaps the same love he had for Music, because both flow from the same source, according to him. Our relationship with the Poet dates back to the time when we still didn’t know that birds also inhabited his music: Uma Prenda Para Eugénio de Andrade (1999) was one of CMT’s first projects and what we discovered and learned then made us want to go further. We will return to Eugénio de Andrade, like the birds that return to the tree where they were born. We will be at the Eugénio de Andrade Municipal Library, in Fundão, between January and April listening and developing opportunities to know, experiment, discover, create and share. The recorded words will later be transformed into “hearing landscapes” that will resound in Moagem from June onwards.


Journeys of Com Palavras Amo

Biblioteca Municipal Eugénio de Andrade, Fundão
January 19th

Centro Cultural Franco Guineense, Guiné-Bissau
January 30th

Biblioteca Municipal Eugénio de Andrade, Fundão
February 17th

Casino Fundanense, Fundão
March 24th

Casa da Poesia e Jardim Eugénio de Andrade, Póvoa da Atalaia
March 25th

Casino Fundanense, Fundão
April 21st

Biblioteca da Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro
May 4th

Moagem, Fundão
June 3rd – August 13th