In Coimbra the birds began awakening at the beginning of the year. Throughout the first semester, birds gave wings to educators, children and families in a variety of actions that took place at Convento São Francisco and in the 48 Kindergarten rooms in the Municipality of Coimbra that participated in the project. A journey through artistic experiences that we believe can contribute to a better World. Education, enjoyment and awareness are other words that come to mind when we talk about TransFormation, in relation to Mil Pássaros as well as other projects where we seek the “tuning of people, birds and flowers”.

The installation Mil Pássaros, now on display at the Convento São Francisco, is the result of a process of sharing. An “innumerable hand” of children and adults gave birth to birds at their fingertips that have now come together in a visual and sound “murmuration”. These paper birds, or orizuros, made using the art of origami are, according to Japanese tradition, a symbol of peace and happiness. And, it is said, wishes come true when you make a thousand. The birds that were born in Coimbra were also joined by others that were born this year from other hands in Portugal, Belgium, Holland and England and stopped in Moagem, Fundão and Tabloo, Dessel (BE). And also by others who accompany us from Lisbon and Famalicão and who persist in wanting to be part of the flock.

The opening of the installation was celebrated with stories about real and imaginary birds, from countless sources but also about the nests that we helped build. And nightingale singing.

Mil Pássaros will live in Convento São Francisco until the beginning of September. It will go under metamorphosis within a few weeks allowing to hear more birds, more spaces and be part of other landscapes.