The book Rotas de Mil Pássaros (A Thousand Birds Route) seeks to communicate the work that Companhia de Música Teatral has been conducting within the Mil Pássaros  Constellation. It also explains the “craft of creating constellations” by Companhia de Música Teatral.

Creating awareness to the need of protecting our planet Earth, Mil Pássaros invites children and adults to listen to birds while building a paper bird (orizuru) and wish for a better world. Orizuru is a symbol of happiness because it is believed that if a thousand orizurus are made while whishing upon something, that wish eventually comes true.

The project had its first steps in the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, having also reached the Cineteatro Alba and the Municipality of Loulé. With foreword from Paulo Pires, the present publication gives particular attention to the route later carried out in Lisbon Green European Capital, which culminated with the installation in Estufa Fria, in Lisbon.

The “humming” continues to exert a fascination over us. Rotas de Mil Pássaros shows that it is possible to fly together.


Authorship and editing: Companhia de Música Teatral
Foreword: Paulo Pires
Graphic design: Mafalda Maia