Missão Mar Profundo #3 took back Deep Listening Deep Sea(ing) to Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva in Aveiro. At the end of August and beginning of September we integrated the “Campus Juvenil Climantica /Fábrica” with participants from Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Panama, Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. Adolescents, youngsters and teachers from these countries got acquainted with the project through the workshops “Cartografia Sonora Imaginária” and the conference “Constelações, Mar Profundo e Outros Quadros Sonoros”. It was a very rich experience, with multiple voices and languages seeking to know more. Curiosity and enthusiasm, a genuine interest in our work and a willingness to explore the Deep Sea using the methodologies we have been developing. This third Missão Mar Profundo was successfully completed and the project now has an international visibility that should allow for new “voyages” in the future.