On the 24th and 25th of February, “O Céu por Cima de Cá” (Heavens Above Here) will be at the Teatro Aveirense and also live on the Zoom platform. In “O Céu por Cima de Cá”, clouds, birds, and angels come together to explore a limitless space that is unique wherever it exists, as the skies/heavens above each place reflects the landscape, sounds, stories, and desires of that place and its inhabitants. That’s why the skies/heavens above Aveiro will reflect the current time, the past, the space, and the daily life in Aveiro.

If you’d like to come and gaze at this skies/heavens, we invite you to join us (tickets here). If you can’t be with us physically, you can always be with us through Zoom (register here).

Additionally, if you are currently in Aveiro, if you look at the sky and see shapes, and if you would like to be part of the creative process of the performance, we invite you to participate. The proposal is outlined in the Cloud Addition Algorithm (below).

With the hope that you keep your head in the clouds,
A Companhia de Música Teatral


Cloud Addition Algorithm

Step One: Open your heart and listen; to add clouds to the skies/heavens, you must first find them.

Step Two: Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think of a cloud. Exhale while imagining the cloud being pushed away. Let another one emerge. Repeat.

Step Three: Look at the sky and try to find the clouds you imagined in the previous step. If you can find them, proceed to the next step. If the sky is clear and blue or dark and gray, and the clouds have not appeared: don’t be discouraged, don’t try to call them, they appear when they want, usually sailing in the breeze; imagine the sky above you with all the clouds you contemplated in the previous step (mountain, castle in the air, shred, cotton, whale, dragon, sea wave, and all the others you can remember); ask a child for help if you have difficulty imagining: learning the art of catching clouds may require a master. At this point, you should have everything you need to catch them when they arrive. But if your clouds haven’t appeared yet, or whenever you need a bit of sky, go back to Step Two.

Step Four: When the clouds arrive, find a piece of land where you can lie down. Bring the child who helped you find them. Contemplate.

Step Five: Place your phone on the ground, pointing it towards the sky, and start recording. If possible, use a “time lapse” application. Clouds like time to pass slowly. But you can also use any application that records a video. Do not answer or make calls until you think you’ve seen all the shapes you imagined. Remember that it may take some time; catching clouds is a patient craft. Ask the master when in doubt. Whenever you think so, lie down on the piece of land again and repeat the entire Step Four. Without haste but with care, having your head in the clouds often leads to poetry. From there to music is an instant.
Note: If you don’t have your head in the clouds enough to see shapes, poetry, or hear music when you look at the sky, go back to Step Two. Otherwise, proceed to Step Six.

Step Six: When you think you’ve found the clouds you were looking for, place them in the Cloud Drawer.

Step Seven: To see them passing in the skies/heavens, come to the Teatro Aveirense on the 24th or 25th of February to see “O Céu Por Cima de Cá”. Or connect with us through Zoom.